Monday, August 8, 2011

The most important thing...

Just a short treatise, on "the most important thing..." to remember today, which is of course YOU.

Now I'm not diminishing anything noble or omniscient, certainly not downgrading love, hope and charity. I'm just sharing the idea that I'm pretty certain that we are the wizards of self deprecation and sorcerers of criticism, and we're putting ourselves at the bottom of the list -- the bottom of every list -- every day.

You were created for a reason. You were!! Do you hear that? All things rest on the amazingness of you, the potential of you, the energy and life-force and beauty of you.

If you needed a nudge or perhaps a large and heavy-handed shove, this is it. REMEMBER the most important thing to care for, to respect, to nurture and to celebrate is the fabulous-ness of YOU.

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